Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Jokes and stuff


Stop feeling bad for outgrowing people who had the chance to grow with you.


Keep shining, beautiful one. The world needs your light.


What should you do if you are addicted to seaweed?

See Kelp.


Light travels faster than sound; this is why some people appear to be intelligent until they open their mouth.


My dad told me we shouldn’t dress for the job we have, but dress for the job we want. I turned up for my job interview dressed as Batman.


Apple is working on launching a new i-Car - an automatic car that can drive itself. But rumors are that they have a lot of trouble installing windows.


How does Moses make tea?

Hebrews it!


What can go up a chimney down, but not down a chimney up?

An umbrella


Grandma asked me if I liked the book she got me for my birthday. I told her I'd tell her as soon as I figured out how to turn it on


How do you prevent a Summer cold?

Catch it in the Winter!


Two lumps of coal were talking at work.

"I hear Fred's become a diamond."

"Yeah, he's been under a lot of pressure."


Don't put the key to your happiness in somebody else's pocket.


All the problematic people in our lives show us just exactly who we do NOT want to be.


Worry, it keeps you moving but it doesn't get you anywhere.


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