Saturday, April 18, 2020

Jokes of the day

Why did the old TV stand in the road?

It wanted to be a flat screen.


What kind of balls do dragons use for sports?



What did the ghost say to the bee?

Boo! bee....


Why couldn't the pirates play cards?

They were sitting on the deck.


What do you call a computer that was thrown overboard into the ocean?

A Dell rolling in the deep.


Why do firemen have Dalmatians?

To help them find the fire hydrants.


Why did the chicken sit on the tomahawk?

To hatchet


What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?


"That's the duty of the old,' said the Librarian, 'to be anxious on the behalf of the young. And the duty of the young is to scorn the anxiety of the old.'

They sat for a while longer, and then parted, for it was late, and they were old and anxious." 

— Philip Pullman (The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials, #1)


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