Monday, May 16, 2016

Jokes of the Day ....

Joe thought his girlfriend was surprised to see him. She told him she just drew her eyebrows too high.


Stand in a corner if you’re ever cold. They’re usually around 90 degrees.


How do you make holy water?

You place it in a pot over high heat, and boil the hell out of it!


The only job I could see myself doing is cleaning mirrors.





1 comment:

  1. Good morning, Serendipity here. There are new free books available from Centaur Classics, including a lot of Aristotle, The Origin of Species, and Moby Dick. I don't have time to list them; go to this page:|0&page=1

    or go to the B&N website, type "Centaur Classics" in the search box, select NOOK books, and sort by Price - Low to High.

    Thanks for sharing your fan fiction with us, Penelope. I am not a fan of vampire romances, but I know many people are, and romance readers and writers keep the book industry alive.

    Happy reading!
