Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Jokes and stuff




What did dinosaurs use to cut down trees? 



What did Jupiter say to Saturn at the end of the phone call? 

Give me a ring!


How does Jack Frost get to work?

By icicle



The Mama Match warned her children, "And whatever you do, don't scratch your head!"


Do you want me to tell you a joke backwards? 

Well, start laughing!


Some things we were never meant to know. For everything else, there’s Google.

A duck and a chicken were standing by the side of the road. The duck started to cross the road but the chicken stopped him.

"Don't do it," the chicken said, "You'll never hear the end of it."

Knock, knock. 

Who’s there? 


Orange who? 

Orange you going to let me in?


Knock knock. 

Who’s there? 

It’s Barbie. 

Barbie who? 

Barbeque me some chicken!


Knock, knock! 

Who’s there? 


Iva who? 

I’ve a sore hand from knocking!


Knock knock! 

Who's there? 


Ach who? 

Bless you!


“She tried to fancy what the flame of a candle is like after the candle is blown out, for she could not remember ever having seen such a thing.”

― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass




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