Wednesday, August 21, 2024








Nobody knows what you do in private

Nobody knows what I do either

When the worm is picked up from the hot sidewalk

And placed in the cool damp shade

When the food wrapper is wadded up and placed in a pocket

Until a trash recepticle is found

When the apple that has fallen from the pile in the grocery store

Is picked up and placed back on the pile

When the door is held open, the shopper with two items let in line first

These are private moments .... yet

Someone is always watching

Someone knows exactly what you do and what is in your heart

Someone who judges every private act and develops an opinion 

On your integrity and honor

That Someone is you

So, catch yourself doing something right

Notice how well you handled a situation

Think of the trouble you could have caused but didn't.

See how important your smallest acts are in forming an identity.





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