Wednesday, August 28, 2024








When I have a problem in a dream

(And my dreams do seem to involve a lot of problem solving)

Dreaming-me worries and frets over the problem

No matter how ridiculous or ludicrous that problem might be

For example, last night I dreamt I was trying to get the barnacles off my yacht

Which is passing strange because I have never set foot on a yacht

Plus I wouldn't know a barnacle if one came to the door

I was worrying about the cost of dry docking my yacht

When the alarm went off

POOF! The yacht was gone, the barnacles were gone

The entire problem was gone

I cheerfully realized I didn't have to deal with any of it

I was glad to start a new day yacht and barnacle free

But I want to hang on to that feeling

That instant when I realized that the problem was just a dream problem

That expanding peace when poof the problem wasn't real

I want to hold on to that release and peace

Because I feel this is an important glimpse into








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