Tuesday, August 20, 2024








When you don't know your own strength it is easy to see

Doors ripped off hinges, glass cracked from a forcefully closed window

Not a shred of self-pity, no excuses, carrying on no matter what



But what if you don't know your own weaknesses?

Are there signs? Yes indeedy do

The person who does not know their own weakness

Will be inundated with requests for goods and services

Will be hit up for money that is never repaid

Will go far out of their way to help someone

That would not cross the street to help you

You know people who would not repay a kindness

Or appreciate your good heart



Just as it is important to know our strengths

It is equally important to know our weaknesses

To shore up and protect those vulnerable places 

That the sketchy, the predators, the exploiters

Zero in on like you are their pot of gold

At the end of their rainbow of scams and lies.

We must be gentle as doves, but wise as serpents

To successfully navigate in the world as it is today.







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