Tuesday, March 4, 2025






Nature has equipped us for many things

Our spirit of self preservation kicks in automatically

Once we see the danger in some course of action

We have embarked on

We usually don't set out to be reckless with our lives

On the contrary, most things we do are to preserve

And enhance our lives

We keep a wary eye on how things are going

Evaluating the potential threat to health and happiness

Remember - you are not the only one nature has equipped

With the instinct to preserve life and limb

So, if you see someone prancing down the road to ruin

A word to the wise is sufficient

If you are dealing with the unwise, save your breath

Because their natural self preservation and their wrong headedness

Are in a race

The best we can do for the unwise is get out of their way

Let them have it until it is resolved

One way or another


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