Saturday, March 8, 2025






Every once in a while, check and see if you can levitate

Float around to the amazement of all and sundry

Try to move objects with your mind, remotely view a message

Write down events in dreams to look for precognition and portents

Notice which way the birds are flying, if your palm itches

If the hem of your garment is turned up

Open a book randomly and see if the passage is a message

Look up at the night sky for alien visitors, check the waters for aquatic monsters

Light a candle and say a charm to help heal someone

Hold a crystal and imagine some quality you wish to manifest

Meditate as you walk, imagining you are walking the surface of Mars

We spend so much time in the mundane world doing things that ignore

The occult, the miraculous, the unexplained

We might benefit from exploring the Weird

The unscientific possibilities

Which are really no stranger than quantum physics

If nothing else this stuff is fun 

Keeping an open mind to the hidden possibilities





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