Friday, July 19, 2024








Space is necessary

So everything isn't all clumped together

In one place

Like a car that has been junked and compressed

Into a cube



Time is necessary

So everything doesn't happen at the same moment

Which is almost impossible to imagine

Though you might have had days 

When this compressed chaos seems like it is your reality



Nature is necessary

To organize the living beings on Earth

(The "red in tooth and claw" thing

Wouldn't have been my choice

But it is what it is.)



Individual people are necessary

To cover the impressive array of skill and traits

Humans can be born with and develop

Even if a person is not needed in my minicosmos

They may be vital, crucial even

For some purpose unknown to me



All these aspects are here on the great stage of life

A drama that unfolds when I raise the red velvet curtains

Of my eyelids each morning

And see what fascinating new act will unfold

In the fullness of the day






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