Monday, July 8, 2024








They wanted to know about aliens

They wanted to know where they are

So they built really powerful telescopes

To monitor visible stars



Exoplanets circling their suns

Were analyzed for what's there

Signs of life or civilization

The atmospheric effects were clear



They found one! It had all the markers

They built mighty robot ships to see

They would send back pictures and data

The distance in light years was three



Of course, the journey would take much longer

No object moves at the speed of light

They sent out their most advanced roboships

Into the endless night



The ships traveled on for eons

During that time the home planet's survival

Became dubious at best

They were no longer monitoring the arrival



Alas the home world didn't last

Blown away by ill fate

When the roboships started sending data

It was already too late



The ships ran a sophisticated program

Invisibly gathering details

They are so very ancient

Sometimes the cloaking shield fails



The roboships make constant efforts

Sending back data to empty space

Yet they go on doing their thing

A command no one alive could erase



If you go out at night

And look up at the stars, who knows?

You might glimpse a roboship

We humans call them UFOs







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