Wednesday, June 19, 2024






A personal philosophy is a very important thing

It is the soil, rich or parched, where our conscious thoughts grow

And the Influencer of our Subconscious, that wry gnome

That lives in our basement, full of mischief and folly

With our current philosophy in hand

We must ask ourselves

Do we think life is awful and pointless

Or beautiful and full of meaning?

Is today a day to rise and shine?

Can I change the things I will?

We can change our personal philosophy

By altering our mental state

Drugs and alcohol will loosen our grip 

On our most urgent pressing problems

Allowing us to relax and gain perspective

But it doesn't last and can bring a myriad of secondary problems

Which will need another shift in philosophical perspective to solve

Relaxing and changing perspective is the way to go

Through reading, meditation, hanging out with cool people

Who have somehow gotten a grip on something in their head

And are consciously steering the mighty Ship of Self named the "Me"

When anger, hurt, confusion or fear appear 

These are problems philosophy can solve, the right tool

In the right hands can work wonders

So even if your philosophy is just to shrug, sigh, or walk away

If it helps you to feel better and keep going in a good orderly direction

It is a good philosophy just for today.


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