Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Ho Ho Ho


Question: How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas? 

Answer: He felt his presents.


Knock Knock! 

Who’s there? 

Donut. Donut who? 

Donut open your presents ‘til Christmas!


Question: When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

Answer: In the dictionary! 


Question: Why did Santa buy a brown cow? 

Answer: Because he wanted chocolate milk!


Question: Why does Mrs. Claus do her laundry in Tide? 

Answer: Because it’s too cold out-tide!


Question: What happens if you eat the Christmas decorations? 

Answer: You get Tinsel-itis! 


Question: How much did Santa pay for his sleigh?

Answer: Nothing, it was on the house!



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