Friday, December 20, 2024






There are two kinds of hurt angry people

The first kind says "I must modify my behavior

Change my old thought patterns, up my game

Get some insights on the causes

So the vulnerabilities in my life can be

Fortified and made secure.



The second kind of hurt angry person says

"I have been the victim of a person, a system

Those people over there are responsible for all the unhappiness

I currently feel."

They feel justified in attacking, trying to lash out at an unfair system

Perhaps trying to modify the world to suit their needs

Venting, attacking, complaining

These things do not improve the world at all

But they prevent taking much needed personal action

On aspects of their life which might be improved

Unfortunately when you look for solutions in the wrong place 

You do not find any

When you look at who to blame, there are many to blame

Blame never solved a single problem, it never healed a single broken heart

And that is the power we are really wanting, the power to heal our

Broken hearts, the power to feel good, happy, secure

The power to have a good life.


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