Thursday, April 4, 2024






Politics used to be a lot like sports

We were fiercely loyal to our teams

You had your team, I had mine

A good natured rivalry

Rah Rah Rah

With the rules of the sport and sportsmanship understood 

And understandable by all

No one would have gone to a pitcher's home 

And attacked their spouse with a hammer

Because that's nuts

No fans would have broken into a sports center to tear down 

Any mention of the other teams

Making violent threats to guards 

No, when politics was like sports

We were passionate about our teams

But abided by the rules of common decency

Now politics is more like a fanatical religion

With those who believe sure that they have a mandate 

To destroy the other "false faiths" - and launch

A crusade, a mission, to completely overwhelm the infidels

No room for compromise or negotiation

There can only be one Supreme Being

But there are uncounted politicos who come and go 

As the voters deem 

No real religion says to torch the churches of the others

Eliminate those who don't share your beliefs

Politics is not a sport or a religion, however

It is a method of making laws we will all live under

Lawful behavior is the rule, the doctrine, the political mandate

The most good for the most people, the least harm for the fewest people

The sacrament of politics is voting, the peaceful transfer of power

Our holy ideal





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