Wednesday, May 1, 2024








There is a part of us that is responsible, accountable

That weighs, on the scales of common sense and reason

The wisdom of our actions

There is another part of us

That acts on impulse and hidden drives

This part can make an instantaneous decision

Without considering the wisdom, consequences or

Impact on our health

Our impulsive self is more fun in the moment

More exciting and creative

It can be the spark of genius

Or the little sparkler of a Fool

But Impulse is a part of our natures

As much as Reason

We ride in our flesh chariots

Pulled by those two powerful steeds

Impulse and Reason

Struggling to steer our earthly vessels

Across the sky each day

Tugged this way by Impulse

Tugged that way by Reason

While the Compromiser, the driver of the Chariot

Sees which way, which way

We are headed today.







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