Saturday, January 4, 2025






Anything can be a teacher, containing a lesson

It doesn't have to be something we learned

"The hard way."

It can also be learned from the easy way

Of observing exactly what you are doing right now

And looking for lesson contained within

For example, this morning I lit a new candle

After anointing it for our good, specifically,

That we are in the best place for us to be

"North, South, East, and West

Go to the place that serves you best"

At first the wick lit very brightly

Too brightly, as it turns out

Because it burned right down to the wax surface

And fizzled out

Lesson #1) Don't give up in frustration

But I have come across this situation before

Lesson #2) Don't reinvent the wheel, use what has worked in the past

And I tipped the candle while holding a lighter to the wick

Enough wax ran off to relight the wick

Now our candle is burning nicely

Lesson #3) Appreciate and enjoy your successes

This was a teaching contained within the act

Of lighting a candle, a wax guru come to gently

Remind me that 

Lesson #4) Things might start out great but then fizzle out

Yet life experience can pick up the tangle and fix it

We can get double value from the events in our lives

If we look for the teaching contained in each

Precious moment of our enchanted lives


Friday, January 3, 2025








The thin veneer of civilization we currently have 

Is not going to be enough to carry us into the future

I think we all can see that

The customs and manners, ethics and commandments of the past

Are not going to be strong enough to hold back the wild jungle

Of primitive emotions roiling in the level of consciousness

We currently have

We need enlightenend self interest to seep deep down

Like a century of the gentle rain of training to think


Empathy, kindness and practical goodness

Must permeate the human psyche until it reaches

The very bone and sinew of humanity

All minds need to see that rage, violence, and selfish behavior

Is inconsistent with the kind of society 

We want to pass on to the next generation







Thursday, January 2, 2025






Things I can't afford:

Worry. I simply don't have enough time to spend it on worry

Regret. This is throwing good time after bad. 

If I squander my time regretting I can't use it profitably

Speculation. By mentally running through every possible scenario

Especially the scary ones, I muddle my mind and terrify

My Inner Child to the point of inaction

Jealousy and Envy. How could I possibly compare the rich tapestry of my time line

To that of any one else? I would not swap my challenges or rewards. 

Harshness. I was not very kind to myself until I finally embraced the fact

I am my constant companion; I want to make that relationship with myself

As pleasant and rewarding as possible.

I smile as I look at my time account and see I am no longer squandering time

On things I simply can not afford. 


Wednesday, January 1, 2025








In this new year I wish you a twinkle in your eye

A spring in your step, money in your pocket

Peace in your valley, rock solid plans

Vast horizons, heart full of confidence, love, and hope

May good luck be your faithful pet

May your hobbies thrive, health improve, mysteries be explained

Fears assuaged, problems solved

Grudges forgotten, concerns be unfounded

Wrong companions left behind

May your meals be nourishing, sleep deep

Relationships harmonious

Time well managed, mobility improve

Pains be soothed, nights be gentle

News be good, unnecessary excitements avoided

And your sense of humor at peaky peak performance





