Friday, July 12, 2024








In the dream factory

That lives inside our skull

We build castles in the air, walk down memory lane

Chat with imaginary people

The dream factory is cranking out thoughts and dreams

Day and night

But who is in charge? Who runs this mighty enterprise?

Who plans and programs these thoughts?

We do. We obtain the raw material of reality and process it

If the quality of the thoughts isn't up to our standards

We can get in there and restructure everything

We can impose new higher standards for the thoughts we produce

With a better selection

We can discontinue an outdated line of thoughts

For more updated ones

Once you have improved the product

You will need inspectors to carefully look over each thought 

Discarding the cracked, warped and undesirable ones

The broken dreams, half-finished notions, worn out philosophies

And beliefs that have proven false

Once Quality Control reviews the mental products

The entire corporation of You, Yourself and Your State of Being

Will begin to show the profits of inner peace, contentment, and joy

It is amazing how fast this works.





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