Thursday, July 25, 2024








If you imagine a garden in your mind

You can design it any way you like

If you like roses, the whole garden can be roses

Or fantastic topiaries, or both

The same thing is true for time

We invented time, cut the day up into uniform pieces

Assigned numbers and names to each little bit

We can't change the cultural or societal aspect of time

It is a convenience, a tool for cooperation

But our personal felt experience of time

Is under our control

Being impatient, rushed, urgent

Makes us quick to be annoyed, to get angry at anything

Or anyone that slows us down

Somehow, we have caught the feeling that we are wasting our lives

Squandering the precious substance of our existence

While waiting to merge in traffic, waiting for the update

Pacing back and forth waiting for a delivery

This creates a life-or-death tension for the slightest delay

We are no longer waiting for the crops to ripen

Or the cows to come home

We are waiting for the microwave, and these days?

We don't have all minute.







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