Friday, July 5, 2024






You might think of an antidote

As a pill, shot or potion

To counteract a poison that could prove deadly

But an antidote can also be a word or phrase

Repeated a number of times

To counteract toxic thoughts, belittling beliefs

Nasty nonsense we were taught long ago by folks that just 

Didn't know any better

These thoughts can poison our well of joy

Make pale the courage in our strong hearts

So, keep these antidote phrases at the ready

To immediately neutralize discouragement

Blame, regret and fear - all toxic to our progress

Keep these phrases like a talisman to use when needed

A grimoire of encouragement and sane perspective

Filled with spells like "You can do this"

And "One small step at a time"

Repeat three times and turn counterclockwise

To unwind the evil spells that somehow convinced you

You are not enough, not good enough, not everything enough

Because you are most certainly good enough

Bless your life with the sparkly wand magic 

Of believing you have a valuable place in this

World and that you are the creator of your own

Well-being and happiness.


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