Thursday, June 27, 2024








Is an octopus a conservative or a liberal?

Does slime mold think their god is the one true god?

Will videos convince a pangolin that UFOs are real?

That fly zooming around, is it worried about the economy?

No, these natural beings are concerned with their survival

They attend to the business of being what they are

Meeting basic needs, avoiding disasters and predators

Humans are much more complex

We require a vast array of goods and services

We fret about the past and worry about the future

Underneath the hustle and bustle of human society

Is a much simpler being who just needs a cool drink of water

To rest in the shade, find a safe place to sleep

When the world of man gets overwhelming

We can switch to the world of nature

Hear birds, watch wind dance with the leaves

Smell the rich green scent of foliage

Walk through the forest primeval

Etched in the deep folds of our memories

Like when we were children in touch with the most basic

And natural beauties, the born instincts

Little savages in harmony with their place

In the cosmos







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