Wednesday, June 12, 2024






What do you do

If there is a hippopotamus in the living room?

You could talk to everyone you know and complain

You can look for someone convenient to blame

You can give the hippo an official Latin name

But that doesn't solve the problem



The hippo has to go, but how?

The police refer you to animal control

But they visit and say that's not how they roll

When you peek through the living room keyhole

The hippo is still there



The government says they will fix this

But they don't

You ask the hippo to leave politely

But it won't

How have others dealt with this 

And coped?

You make it your mission to find out



You post a video of the hippo online

And in very little time

You have had 17 million views

You are on the local news

A zoo in Brussels says that they can use

A hippo in their fabulous new African Park



They come to your home to get it

They are kind and gentle and don't upset it

The hippo will have a fine new home

You had to solve this problem on your own

With the help of 17 million views

And an animal rights activist named Heus





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