Tuesday, June 11, 2024








If you are leaping from one thing to another

Swinging wildly from limb to limb

You are using your monkey mind

Which immediately reacts to situations with action

Good for an immediate crisis or opportunity



If you are barely moving, in slow motion

Just breathing and waiting

You are using your reptile mind

A real survivor that knows the value of blending in

Keeping a low profile. basking in whatever warmth is available

Not committing to an action until you are sure



If you look up at the stars and moon with wonder

See the precious holiness of all life forces

Feel the strength of trees, hear the voices of wind and crows

You are using your Magical Childe mind

Expanding your awareness until it is One with the Whole

And the Light of Understanding shines like a beacon

The North Star

The beautiful destination of Wisdom





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