Tuesday, October 15, 2024






When our Higher Selves make a decision

Our Lower Selves might not agree

We end up with an inner conflict

About the way things should be

We want to be our best version

At least that is the Higher Self's aim

The Lower Self wants carnal pleasures

And thinks hard work and effort a pain

We can't just be our Higher Selves

Our Lower Selves will put up a squawk

It is best to try and negotiate

Invite our Lower Selves in for a talk

While our Higher Selves want to be fit

And think strenuous exercise is dandy

Our Lower Selves just want to relax

Have fun and eat lots of candy

Our Lower Selves are like children

Their judgement is fickle and errant

Our Higher Selves must step up to the plate

As a kind but firm loving parent


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