Sunday, August 18, 2024








Sometimes motivation is effortless

We know what we want to do, we figure out how to do it

We even do research to hone our skills



But sometimes motivation is lacking, or hit and miss

We have a vague and hazy idea of what we want

A nebulous cloud of fuzzy ideas

Like watching a movie through a shower curtain

This will not do

We need the great motivation enhancement

A Plan

The more richly detailed the better

Outlined in tiny baby steps

So ask yourself "What is the first thing I need to do

To head toward and reach my goals?"

If you can know this first thing you can do it


There is a log jam from indecision caused by an inner conflict

With goals that tug against each other, stalemate

This inner conflict can be stated by using the Handy Method

"On the one hand ..., but on the other hand."

And then pick a hand, pick the one that holds the future

The hand that can reach for your dreams

And pluck them from the Universe.







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