Saturday, August 3, 2024








Some folks have a unique skill set

It seems to come naturally to them

Without training, thought or effort

They have mastered the Dark Arts 

Of Scorn, Contempt, Ridicule, and Mockery

They ask hurtful, hostile questions with a fake wide eyed innocence

"Gee, I was only asking..."

They point out your every flaw, shower you with sarcasm

While making unreasonable demands for respect, attention, flattery

Time, resources and sympathy

And they are bitter and abusive if you don't meet their demands

They are busy bodies, snooping into your business

In the hopes of gaining an advantage over you

Something to use later for blackmail or attack

They gather fuel for the inner hellfire

That burns in their suffering restless relentless souls

That can never be appeased by sincere goodwill





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