Sunday, December 11, 2022

Poem I wrote





My blue sock was missing

I had it last night

I took it off my right foot

This morning it was gone

Where did it go?

Did I hide it away in some somnambulant state of mind?

Did I only imagine I was wearing blue socks yesterday?

No pet could have taken it

Because my only pet is a big potted aloe vera

Yesterday I had two blue socks

Today I had one

If Sherlock Holmes was real, he could deduce where it is

Dr. Watson could write "The Mystery of the Blue Sock"

Which would turn out to be the key clue in uncovering

A vast international conspiracy.

Was it aliens? A ghost? A different dimension?

Do I need Rod Serling? Or that alien guy with the fluffy hair?

No, I needed my deceased Grandmother

With her one word of advice - "Gravity"

Things fall downward, so look there first

Which is where I looked

Behold! Kicked under the bed was my blue sock!

Thank you, my beloved ancestor, for teaching me

The importance of a logical mind, of calm thought

For teaching me to remember gravity

I share her wisdom with you now

In case your blue sock ever goes missing







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