Saturday, December 7, 2024








Every time we resolve to do something

An improvement that takes sustained effort

Towards what might be a daunting task

That resolve is Will - "I will do this thing."

That is when an odd phenomenon could crop up

An Anti-Will 

A little urge to behave in ways opposed to our Will

A suggestion to quit that weakens the Will

Or suggests something diametrically opposed to our goal

Perhaps out of sheer perversity

There must be survival value in the Anti-Will

A note of caution, including alternate considerations

In the end, if our goal is a good one

We must not be diverted down tributaries

That go nowhere

Keep your hand on your Will

Don't let Anti-Will take control

Undermining all your hard work

Dissolving your resolve

Will can prevail if you stand behind it

Support it, reinforce it, give it a chance







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