Friday, September 13, 2024








When a chronic problem, a painful memory, or unhappy thoughts

Keep circling around in that carnal carnival we call our brains

We are stuck going round and round 

We are stuck on a misery-go-round

Stuck even if the misery-go-round is racing day and night

Everything a blur

Because the ride isn't going anywhere, ever

The wild fierce horses of the misery-go-round

Plunge wildly ahead until we are dizzy and nauseous

We need a new steed, yes indeed

We need Shank's Mare, our reliable ability to walk away

Stop the music, the Serenade of Sorrows

Walk away because going in circles isn't progress

Leaving the gaudy carnival of clowns and troubled souls

We find a new path that will take us to where we want to go







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